Venture fund supporting science-led global winners across
ClimateTech and HealthTech
We are building a multi-generational venture investment platform focused on identifying and supporting STEM start-ups solving for people and planet with the potential for global market leadership.
Building a future our children deserve
Human innovation and economic activity has dramatically improved quality of life, but at a huge cost. The resulting shifts in climatic patterns now threaten to destroy the lives and livelihoods of our people as the planet hurtles towards ecological collapse. Ours might be the last generation that can stop catastrophic climate change. The time to act is NOW!
Taking on the hard stuff
Driving alpha and impact by focusing on the confluence of STEM innovation, agile and resilient infrastructure like solutions that can be deployed at scale.
Identify and support global innovation at scale
Identifying globally relevant STEM innovations and facilitating their scale up journey to market leadership by providing risk capital alongside strategic and operational support.
Climate Change mitigation and adaptation
Focused on four major thematic areas across the climate change mitigation and adaptation spectrum.
A unique approach based on three core elements
01. STEM solutions to create an alternate future
A first principles approach to solving hard problems with a science and engineering lens, that enables a step change disruption and establishes a new market paradigm.
02. Deeply thematic approach to discovering innovations
Preidentified thesis driven global hunt for innovations with strongly aligned strategic partners enabling tech transfers between Asia and the world.
03. Catalyse collective scale-up support via global synaptic connections
No one organization can do it alone. We will build knowledge, technology, and capital bridges for concerted, coordinated, and cooperative efforts from a breadth of stakeholders to support commercialization at scale.